The Governing Body at West Bretton School have a culture of high expectations, aspirations and scholastic excellence for all pupils and work in partnership with school staff to ensure that they are prepared positively for life in modern Britain.
We are committed to provide a balance of challenge and support to the Headteacher to ensure that every individual reaches their potential both academically and as a well-rounded individual ready to move on to their next challenges in education and life.
Role: Co-opted Governor
Retired: 30/04/2023
Role: Co-opted
Responsibilities: Sports Premium; Music
Appointed by: Governing Body
Start: 20/01/2014
Term end date: 18/5/2027
Role: Parent Governor
Responsibility: Chair of Finance Committee
Elected by: Parents
Term of Office: 5/2/23 to 4/2/27
Staff Governor
Responsibility: tbc
Term of Office starts: 17/10/2023
Term of Office ends: 03/10/2027
Elected Parent Governor
Responsibilities: tbc
Term of Office starts: 18/10/2024
Term of Office finishes: 17/10/2027