Post: Bretton Lane, West Bretton, Wakefield WF4 4LB

01924 830204

West Bretton Junior and Infant School

Giving Our Children A Sense Of Direction for More Than 200 Years



"The important thing is never to stop questioning." 
Albert Einstein

Investigating, observing, hypothesising and questioning are key elements of our science curriculum at West Bretton.  This may include observing the movement of snails in the Foundation Stage mud kitchen to independently planning a fair test investigation on dissolving in Key Stage 2.

Children learn through practical first hand investigations and observations.  They are taught scientific knowledge based on the subjects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics as well as the key enquiry skills related to carrying out experiments.  These include planning, predicting, fair test investigations, recording and concluding.

At West Bretton, we deliver a two-year rolling cycle which ensures children build on prior learning to continually connect the knowledge they have gathered earlier in school to the more complex aspects they visit in Key Stage 2 and beyond. Our aim here is to build learners who are curious about the ever-changing world about them. If you're in doubt, just ask the children!


Please see below for our Science curriculum overview for 2024-25